This December on 2013, I have soooooo much things that are different from my last year December. In the last eleven months, I went through things that made me almost insane, but hey! I went through all of those. So, thank You, God my Father! Relax guys, I'm not going to whine off my boring life problems. But instead, I am going to make a list of what I pay a great amount of grateful for in this 2013. Here they go!
I am highly grateful for,
the job experience, although it's super short but I cherished and enjoyed it anyway
the finished thesis
the loving and supporting warm friends
another chance You gave to my Papa to live in this world
the unexplainable health in rough times
the ending of my Opung's pain, RIP
the strength You gave me this whole year
the problems I had and have, it's showing me You want me to be tougher
the new people I met, they are extraordinary
the relationship You let me fixed up
the smile and laughter from people surround me
the new community You let me joined, Blogger Buku Indonesia (BBI)
and many many more, thank You ;)
Well, talk about BBI, there's this one particular event to celebrate the upcoming golden holidays and that is... The Secret Santa! Ta-daaa.
Yeah, it's really cool and fun. Basically, the members switch gifts, which unquestionably will be books, to each other secretively. The recipient, a.k.a. X, doesn't know who the good old Santa that send them gift is. So, X needs to guess their Santa. And every Santa will leave a riddle to be solved in order to reveal the Santa's identity. Pretty fun, right?
You see the title of this post, and it says 'Post #1'. Well, it is because there will be Post #2... sorry, that's a totally lame explanation. Hahaha. In Post #1, I am going to show you what books my Santa very kindly gave me and the riddle. In Post #2, I am going to guess who my Santa probably is, along with the review of books that I received from my Santa.
So, here are the books that my Santa got for me.
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Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver (Delirium #2) and Rumah Kopi Singa Tertawa by Yusi Avianto Pareanom. |
Here's a legit bookmark. Honestly, I was freakishly excited over this. Thank you, Santa! It's an awesome touch.
These are the wrappers. I don't know any people in BBI personally, you know, because I'm really a fresh member. And in order to guess who my Santa is, I must consider all as clues, hope it leads me to something. So, yeah.
Last, the riddle. Um, there's something I need to tell you, I lost the riddle. I'M SO SORRYYYYYY, MY SANTAAAA~ I swear, it's not like I underestimate it or anything like that. In fact, I was so into it, I carried it everywhere, and BOOM I forgot where the last time I put it. And it's just gone. I couldn't find it anywhere. I KNOWWW, I'M SUCH A KLUTZ! I already asked Oky from event division to contact my Santa and ask them to re-send the riddle. Until I get my riddle again, I cannot leave you hanging, right? So, here's what I remember written in that riddle paper.
> Aku dilahirkan bersamaan dengan anak yang ditakdirkan untuk bertarung dengan dia yang namanya tidak boleh disebut. (I was born at the same time with the child who is destined to confront him who shall not be named.)
> Namaku mirip dengan pemimpin prajurit imperium Latin. (My name is similar to Latin empire's head of soldiers.)
> Aku adalah bagian dari kamu yang membentuk pintu masuk ke dalam dirimu. (I am a part of you which is forming an entrance to yourself.)
There. I'm not sure, but I guess there is one more point, but I really cannot remember it if there's any. For your information, I don't have the brightest brain to memorize things. So, that's the best I can recall. Probably I remember it all wrong. But, it's better than nothing for now. I'll see you in the next post!
I got my riddle again, thanks to Oky and my must-be-very-patient Santa. Hhehe. Here's the exact riddle,
> Dia yang bernama mirip seorang pimpinan militer sebuah imperium latin (He whose name is similar to head of military in imperial Latin.)
> Dia yang dilahirkan bersamaan seorang anak yang ditunggu melawan namanya yang tak boleh disebut (He who was born at the same time with the child which is expected to confront him who shall not be named.)
> Dan dia adalah bagian dari pintu masuk dari kumpulan dirimu (He is a part of an entrance of the bunch of yourself.)
Okay, I'm very proud of myself now. Hahah. You see? I remembered the riddle almost exactly the same from the original.
Dear my Santa, you must know, you made me going through all BBI files and honestly I didn't find any promising evidence. And, like three or four days after your gift arrived, I almost gave up. I was so ready to point anyone blindly as my Santa or maybe I could ask someone, but that's not seem fair. Then, something came to my head and I just pretty sure who you are! It's like JUST LIKE THAT. Cannot explain it here though. See you in Secret Santa Post #2! I can't wait to tell my failed attempts to reveal your identity. Hahaha. Or, hohoho?
aku tau deh, anggota BBI yg lahir sama kayak Harry Potter :p
ReplyDeletehihhi. aku udah punya tebakan juga sulis ;)
Deletehhahaha kayanya tau nih :) btw lumayan juga lho bisa memorize riddle sepanjang itu :D
ReplyDeleteaku pun merasa hebat kali mbak bisa semirip itu ingetan aku sama riddle aslinya. hahaha.
Deletedear santa, ini bukti aku bener2 serius mikirin riddle-mu ;D
aku juga punya tersangka nih...
ReplyDeletetersangka santaku mbak? siapaaa? aku sebenernya baru sekitar 87% yakin sama tebakanku =____=
DeleteAku tahuuuu X))
ReplyDeletekayaknya clue utamanya itu tanggal lahir yang sama dengan harpot itu yah mbak? tapi emang ada list tanggal2 ultah member BBI? aku gak bisa nebak dengan yakin krna gak ktemu itu ;P
DeleteKan di fb suka ucapin selamat Kalo ada yg ultah. Di blognya jg pernah nyebut kayaknya.
DeleteTp aku be nebak Dr riddle pertama dan ketiga sih justru.
aku udah yakin siapa santaku mbak ;D thanks to mbak danee yg ngusul supaya aku ngubek2 blog 'dia'. hehe.
Deletesebenernya aku bisa curiga ke 'dia' karena waktu itu mau curang nanya aja siapa yg ultahnya tgl segitu, terus tiba2 pencerahan itu dateng. hahaha.
eh mbak dew bisa ngerti point ke-3??? aku udah gak nganggap itu clue lagi saking aku gak bisa2 ngerti artinya sampe sekarang. jd cuma berpegang ke clue 1 dan 2 aja.
haiyah, ini mah kenal bgt, silakan diubek2 ya blog yg ngaku musuhnya yg gk bole dsebut B-)
Deleteiya mbak, ni aku lg blogwalking. makin ke sini kok aku makin gak yakin ama tebakan aku. hahaa.
santaku cowo kan? *help!*
iiiih makasih mbak usulnya buat ngubek2 blog tersangka santaku x)
Deleteaku fokus k data profilnya sih, jadi gak tepikir ngubek blognya. emang gak bakat ternyata jd detektif *terus aku sedih ;P
sekarang aku udah YAKIN 100% xD
myahahahahahaha *ketawa menang
Aku nggak tau... *sangat tidak membantu.... >.<
ReplyDeletegapapa mbak, aku udah tauuu muoahahahahah *tinjulangit
DeleteAku parah soal nginget ultah orang :(
ReplyDeleteaku bahkan gak tau ultah BBIers semua, apa yg mau diinget? wkwkaka
Deletedivisi keanggotaan bisa buka jasa tebak riddle, kan pegang tgl lahir :P
ReplyDeletetapi gak banyak kok yg riddle-nya mengacu k tanggal lahir si santa, jadi bisa2 ntar jasa tebak riddle-nya gulung tikar ;D
DeleteSanta tanggal lahirnya unik gitu,. ^_^. .
ReplyDeleteiya, bahkan bukan tanggal lahirnya aja yg sama, tp tahunnya juga :D *sotoy
Deleteaku jadi kepengen buku yang rumah kopi singa tertawa itu mbak. siiip banget kayaknya
ReplyDeletehihihi iya aku seneng banget dipilihin buku ini juga sama santaku. soalnya aku gak ktemu2 buku ini d tobuk2 yg aku datengin.
Deletehmmm, aku kayaknya tahu BBIers yg ultahnya bareng Harry Potter
ReplyDeleteaku gak heran kalo mas tau.. *rolling eyes* hhaha
DeleteWah... udah ketebak ya? Kayanya kalo aku yang dikasih riddle begini, pasti ga mudeng x_x
ReplyDeleteiya udah ketebak tam, setelah sempet hampir putus asa. hahha.