Friday, February 28, 2014

March '14 TBR!

In the pict above is my dog, Happy. She was peeing. Lol.
There's no book haul for February 2014 becauuuuuuuse...... I DIDN'T BUY ANY BOOK IN FEBRUARY! You see, I AM awesome.

You're probably wondering, 'What so awesome with didn't buy a book in a month anyway?' Well, if you have book-buying obsession like me and have too-many-unread-book stacks, you'll understand. Right? Right? If you're not, let me explain...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Kirsty Moseley's Enjoying The Chase Cover Reveal + INT Giveaway! *CLOSED*

Warning: This post will be full of excited fangirling moment and probably more gushing than I've ever done lately.

Kirsty Moseley
When Kirsty Moseley and All Things Books offered me (and other bloggers, duh) to make a cover-reveal post for Kirsty's upcoming novel, Enjoying the Chase AND cover-rereveal for Nothing Left to Lose, my immediate reaction was...

I'M SO IN!!!
For you who haven't read any of Kirsty's novels, you can check my review for Nothing Left to Lose, here. That's the latest novel from Kirsty and Enjoying the Chase is a stand-alone companion for Nothing Left to Lose. I personally can't pick which one I adore more, because Enjoying the Chase (well, I've read the Wattpad version) is also goddamn goooooood! It will be out in March 25th 2014 (OHMYGOD!! ME WANT ME WANT!!!). And now you can see the COVER and EXCERPT for it along with Nothing Left to Lose cover re-reveal! You're welcome.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

We Are All Weird – Seth Godin

Godin, Seth. 2011. We Are All Weird: Saatnya Menjadi Orang Aneh. Bandung: Penerbit Kaifa.
We Are All Weird (Saatnya Menjadi Orang Aneh)

Between normalcy and weirdness, there are mass and time period. That’s the whole point I got from We Are All Weird, and I think that’s one of the most interesting points from this book. The idea is refreshing and explained very well in the beginning of the book. Yes, the whole point is explained in the beginning. The social community where we are belong can be seen like a bell curve below,

The amount of people in the normal group (in the box) is bigger than the weirdo (outside the box). But, as time goes, the normal is getting less and less, they are stepping outside of the box and became weird eventually. There’s this time when slavery towards black people is perfectly normal, there’s this time when women with zero right to vote is normal, and further more in Indonesia there’s this time when mass people killing is considered heroic AND normal! (Have you seen The Act of Killing?) But again, the time flies, and some things considered as normal in the past is perspectively changing, and it will be very weird now if those things still exist. The point is, normalcy and weirdness are not absolute.

We Are All Weird: Saatnya Menjadi Orang Aneh – Seth Godin

Godin, Seth. 2011. We Are All Weird: Saatnya Menjadi Orang Aneh. Bandung: Penerbit Kaifa.
Rating 2 bintang
(review in English, click here)

We Are All Weird (Saatnya Menjadi Orang Aneh)

Antara normal dan yang tidak normal hanya dibatasi oleh jumlah massa dan lajur waktu. Itu ide utama yang saya dapat dari We Are All Weird, dan saya rasa itu yang paling menarik dari buku ini. Ide ini cukup mencerahkan saya karena dijelaskan dengan baik sekali di awal buku. Ya, ide utama buku ini dijelaskan di awal buku. Komunitas sosial tempat kita berada dapat digambarkan seperti ini...

Kelompok normal mempunyai jumlah yang lebih banyak dari orang aneh dan itu ditunjukkan pada bagian tengah di gambar di atas. Namun semakin waktu berjalan, yang normal semakin terpangkas, melebar ke samping, menjadi semakin aneh. Ada masanya di mana perbudakan orang kulit hitam dianggap normal, ada masanya di mana wanita yang tidak punya hak suara dalam pemilihan umum dianggap normal, bahkan di Indonesia ada masanya membunuhi orang secara massal dianggap tindakan pahlawan DAN normal! (Sudah nonton The Act of Killing?) Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, yang tadinya dianggap normal mengalami perubahan hingga di saat sekarang akan dianggap benar-benar aneh jika masih berlaku. Intinya, kenormalan dan keanehan itu tidak mutlak.

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